Neuropuncture is the only complete neuroscience acupuncture system that provides consistent, clinically reproducible neuroscience electroacupuncture training.
Neuropuncture for Practitioners
Why should you practice
As part of your training, you’ll learn the language of neuroscience electroacupuncture and be able to clearly explain what your treatments do and why they work using science-based language. This is critical for building a successful 21st century acupuncture practice and communicating with patients, referring physicians, and other medical professionals.
Are you interested in learning the Neuropuncture neuroscience electroacupuncture system, but don’t know where to start?
With over 20 years of experience in education, we’ve outlined the most effective path to mastering Neuropuncture!
what we offer
Neuropuncture has changed the way practitioners think about acupuncture and how they feel about their career and future.