Neuropuncture is a very special acupuncture system that is entirely based on neuroscience. Neuropuncture acupuncture practitioners undergo rigorous training focused on the neuroscience of acupuncture, advanced electrical acupuncture, and ground-breaking research.
Help me?
Every illness, symptom, or disease, has specific underlying neuropathology. Neuropuncturists will determine your underlying neuropathology, using 21st-century medical sciences, and focus on healing and repairing the root cause of your condition.
Neuropuncture electrical acupuncture uses non-invasive approach to treat a variety of conditions thus helping patients avoid surgery, reduce medications and support overall health.
Take the first step to better health and well-being.
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frequently asked questions
What you can expect during your neuropuncture session?
The experience is very similar to classical acupuncture with the exception that we use a lot of electrical acupuncture since research supports that electrical acupuncture is more reliable and superior than just plain “manual acupuncture”. This allows your Neuropuncturist to use fewer needles and send a tiny electrical signal into the needles that then communicate with the nervous system.
How is Neuropuncture different than acupuncture?
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The ultimate goal of all Neuropuncture practitioners is to help our patients achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle.