Neuropuncture, a revolutionary blend of ancient acupuncture principles and modern neuroscience, offers a non-invasive electroacupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD). This prescription has been first made available for the whole acupuncture community in 2017 when the Dr. Corradino’s second book, Neuropuncture: A Clinical Handbook of Neuroscience Acupuncture, Second Edition was published.
A portion of all Neuropuncture proceeds go towards neuroscience electroacupuncture research led by the GDC Neuropuncture Research Non-Profit foundation. The GDC Neuropuncture Research Foundation was founded in 2021 in loving memory of G. Dolph Corradino. The foundation’s first research project is The Assessment of Neuropuncture™ Electroacupuncture Treatment on Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. View the full scope of the research project here.
Let’s explore the specifics of this groundbreaking Neuropuncture prescription for Parkinson’s Disease:
1. Objective and Research
- Research Project Title: The Assessment of Neuropuncture™ electroacupuncture Treatment on Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- Objectives:
- Demonstrate and document any neurological improvement in patients with PD following Neuropuncture.
- Evaluate any post-therapy DaTscan changes from abnormal pre-therapy findings, utilizing objective data from DaT/Quant computer analysis.
- Justification:
- Investigate whether Neuropuncture electrical stimulation can regenerate dopamine-secreting neurons in the striata of the basal ganglia.
- Assess clinical performance, DaT scan imaging findings, and saliva neurotransmitter levels (specifically dopamine).
2. Background on Parkinson’s Disease
- PD is a common neurologic disorder affecting movement.
- Symptoms include tremors, stiffness, and slowing of movement.
- Nearly one million people in the U.S. will be living with PD by 2020.
- The economic impact is substantial, with combined costs estimated at nearly $52 billion annually.
3. Neuropuncture’s Approach
a. Targeting Tyrosine Hydroxylase Release
- Neuropuncture aims to release tyrosine hydroxylase in the brain.
- This enzyme is crucial for dopamine synthesis, which is deficient in PD.
b. Stimulation of Prokr2-Expressing Neurons
- Specific neurons expressing Prokr2 play a role in Neuropuncture’s anti-inflammatory effects.
- These neurons help regulate inflammatory responses associated with PD.
4. Therapeutic Implications
a. Managing Sepsis and Inflammation
- Neuropuncture at specific acupoints activates the vagal nerve, curbing inflammation.
- This approach may have implications beyond PD, including sepsis management.
b. Muscle Repair and Myostatin Suppression
- Neuropuncture suppresses myostatin expression, promoting muscle repair.
- The Aig1l gene likely contributes to this effect.
5. Future Prospects
As research continues, Neuropuncture holds promise for personalized treatments. By bridging ancient wisdom with modern science, it illuminates new pathways for healing and well-being.
For more information, visit the GDC Neuropuncture Research Non-Profit Corp. website1.